LONDON/LONDRA is a curated weekend of free creative workshops and events exploring queer and migrant experience in London, hosted at Queercircle. LONDON/LONDRA is a provocation to reimagine urban life, belonging, and ideas of the ‘local’ by centring queer/migrant histories and experiences.
Besides the in-person events at Queercircle, LONDON/LONDRA includes a cross-disciplinary zine made up of contributions by queer/migrant artists, as well as three audio conversations with leading artists and activists engaging with what it means to be queer/migrant in London. Find out more through the links on the side.

LONDON/LONDRA - In-Person Programme
21 January 2023
11am-1pm - led by Gabriele Uboldi
Theatremaker Gabriele Uboldi will provide you with the storytelling and creative writing tools you need to explore your relationship to the city. Workshop participants will pick locations that are significant to their personal histories on a physical map of London and write a short story or performance inspired by their chosen London site.
2-4pm - led by Dan de la Motte
In the decades before decriminalisation, gay men spoke ‘Polari’ - a secret gay slang which was a patchwork language of Italian, Romany, Yiddish, Cockney Rhyming Slang, backslang and acronyms. By speaking Polari gay men could ‘hide in plain sight’ - socialising, cottaging and cruising without fear of arrest or attack. Polari is a playful, mischievous and sexy language, but also one that was spoken out of necessity. In this workshop learn the ‘rules’ of the language, decipher words and phrases, and make up your own sentences and mini-scenes for others to work out.
Dan de la Motte is a performer, curator, producer, host and tour-guide specialising in queer comedic performance and heritage. Recent visual and performance art work includes: Live To Tell: (A Proposal For) The Madonna Jukebox Musical; GLF AT 50: THE ART OF PROTEST; Carry on Cottaging (with Jonny Woo); World Pride Copenhagen, On Railton Road.
4-6pm - with Julian Hows & Stuart Feather; moderated by Dan de la Motte & Gabriele Uboldi
London Gay Liberation Front (GLF) founding members Stuart Feather and Julian Hows join Dan de la Motte and Gabriele Uboldi in a conversation about London’s history of queer liberation. They will recount their first-hand experiences from the 1970s, touching on the international connections of the GLF and the contributions of migrant activists.
22 January 2023
11am-1pm - led by Cameron Carrington
The participatory workshop, Trans-ing the Built Environment, will address the visualisation of queer spaces in the built environment through the de-construction and re-construction of future imaginaries. Collage will be the methodology used to critically cut and slice images and/or representations of architectural spaces, encouraging participants to think, perform, and design what queer space means to them. Cameron will facilitate the production process using scores/instructions based on a queering manifesto he produced, which seeks to dismantle and unbuild the patriarchy.
Proposing an event on the fruition of queer space will be valuable for anyone who wants to join the discourse on queer theory, in an informative but lighthearted and playful way. The anarchist approach to the city will highlight the vital need to reflect on and address the global attack on LGBTQIA+ communities. Be prepared to be mindful, practice care and, most importantly, get collaging your queer utopias of today!
2-4pm - led by Mother Tongues
Join us for a diy translation party exploring queer futures, speculative approaches to archival collections and embodied knowledges. Using archival materials from queer collections, we will explore the relationship between language, queerness, and the politics of space and place. During the party participants will be encouraged to select and translate extracts they find interesting followed by a group discussion.
Everybody is welcome! If you want to break language canons, collectively help with opening access to diasporic queer histories, or even if you don’t speak more than one language you are still more than welcome!
10 artists from different disciplines share their own work on queerness and migration. For more info on the open mic, the kind of work we are looking for, and to apply, please visit:
Deadline for the application is 31/12/2022, 5pm.
LONDON/LONDRA - Online Programme
Audio Conversations with...
Dr Lo Marshall (UCL Urban Lab)
Dan Glass (activist, author of United Queerdom and Queer Footprints)
Karl from sex-positive queer night Klub Verboten
Explore the zine featuring our 10 selected queer/migrant artists at this link.
You can also download a PDF version of the zine below: